Photo of pruneda huidobro Mexico

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HUMBERTO PRUNEDA HUIDOBRO Mexico City was Born on March 25, 1947, from an early age, the strong inclination towards the arts of Pruneda became manifest, ASLA attracting attention from their teachers and all adult who knew of his aesthetic skills, particularly the painter Jorge Sanchez Hernandez, who began his apprenticeship in 1959. At just 18 years, working with his teacher Jorge Sanchez, the realization of various decorative murals, among them the alluding to the history of clothing to stores...
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HUMBERTO PRUNEDA HUIDOBRO Mexico City was Born on March 25, 1947, from an early age, the strong inclination towards the arts of Pruneda became manifest, ASLA attracting attention from their teachers and all adult who knew of his aesthetic skills, particularly the painter Jorge Sanchez Hernandez, who began his apprenticeship in 1959. At just 18 years, working with his teacher Jorge Sanchez, the realization of various decorative murals, among them the alluding to the history of clothing to stores Milano San Juan de Letrny Tacuba. At the same time, working with the technique of acrylic on plastic carpet, making murals for individuals in the Pedregal de San Angel and Lomas de Chapultepec, among others. In his birthday number 20, his mother gave him the book of Great Painters, which motivates and inspires you, confirmndole thus the idea of ??studying in San Carlos. It asque in 1968 orientformalmente artistic concerns, and enter the legendary National School of Plastic Arts San Carlos. The years 1976 and 1977 are of great importance for the history teacher professional Pruneda, and collaborating with artist Jorge Sanchez Hernandez, the realization of approximately 70 paintings, with the theme of M Landscape Equestrian Old Mexico, which formed part of an exhibition which opened in December 1976, the Ramos Peace Galera city of Mexico. Working in collaboration with this outstanding painter, increased the admiration for Jorge Sanchez, who receives a copy teachings, therefore, an important influence on his artistic work. The recognition of his artistic evolution will bring 1978 to perform on behalf of Mr. Antonio de la Madrid, a monumental mural of approximately 150 m2, in a garden located on the street Frontera and Arteaga, the Delegation n lvaro Obregn, in which plasma History San Angel, based on sketches by Mr Antonio La Madrid. In 1981, the master of Greco realizrplicas Pruneda. In 1982 the Garden of Art Villalongin, exposing several classic works of art. From 1992 to 2003, continuing its artistic work made replicas of painters such as Titian, Velazquez and Dal among others. In Queretaro, performed for the College's Asuncin, the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe and the Asuncin. During this one period, also had the opportunity to venture into the area of ??teaching of artistic painting. Lastly, is in 2004, that a need for evolution, begins to create modern painting, getting the search asexpresar artistic freedom and change. EXHIBITIONS * Equestrian Landscape Old Mexico (1976) Galera de la Paz Ramos 1976 * Villalongin Garden of Art (1981) * Reunion with myself (2005) Technological de Monterrey campus Queretaro * Reunion (2005 ) University Contemporary abstract painting of Queretaro * (2006) John F. School Kennedy Queretaro * Turn Your Freedom (2006) Mall Tour Your freedom Perisur * Galeras Queretaro Mall * Mall Tour Your freedom Galeras Tabasco * Turn Your Freedom Center Commercial Galeras * Turn Your freedom Monterrey Tec de Monterrey campus Queretaro * Lights and Shadows (2006) Galera Municipal Queretaro, Qro.

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